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Travel Writing, Photos, Short Stories and Novellas of Gregory J. Corcoran

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My Favourite Novellas

Murder in the Mayan World

Looted artifacts, a mysterious death of Major Balam, and trapped tourists at the World Heritage site in Palenque.  A gripping tale of archaeological intrigue in sunny southern Mexico. 80 pages, 18,000 words and a lovely 90 minute read. Recently featured at BC Bookworld and BC Writer's Federation newsletter. Currently available on Amazon-Kindle as an ebook! A great promotional price! $5.00


The Return of Gilgamesh

 Calling all voracious readers! Here is an entertaining sequel. A contemporary thriller set in Geneva and Istanbul. Franz and his colleagues are entrusted by the United Nations to return relics to the Middle East. Paula joins them from London in a whirlwind of espionage, murder and political deception. 85 pages, 21,000 words - a 2 hour enjoyable read. Available on Amazon.


A Murder in the Kingdom of Petra

This is the closing novella of the trilogy. A compelling adventure in the eerie desert of Petra, Jordan. Franz and his team are renovating a Bedouin museum and are confronted by organized evil in an old Roman theatre. 90 pages, 23,000 words - a cozy 2 hour read. Book release on May 1st, 2022 on Amazon-Kindle.


Literature & Beyond

For more photos and biographical information on the author please go to fever.


Mayan Magic on display in the Yucatan - March 2020


Mexico City

Temple of the Sun God

Ancient World Heritage sites are waiting for you.  Explore them soon and be thrilled with their hidden secrets!



Protect  our Ocean Environment!

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